
How do I cancel or terminate my internet service?

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I cancel or terminate my internet service?

To cancel your internet service with Peace Power, contact our customer service team at 1 (855) 968-0296.

Terminate-contract Peace Power

Related FAQ

Yes, Peace Power makes it easy to switch internet providers. Peace Power has a wide range of packages available to suit your needs and budget, so you can easily find the perfect package for your home or business. Peace Power also provides helpful resources on its website to help you make an informed decision about which package is right for you.

There are a few different providers that provide high-speed internet in Edmonton, but we feel Peace Power is the best option. Our low overhead expenditures enable us to offer lower prices and administration charges than the major businesses. We also give 20% of our profits every year to local community causes, so you can feel good about supporting your neighborhood when you choose Peace Power. To learn more about our services, contact us immediately.


Peace Power is a provider of high-speed home internet services that uses fibre optic cables to connect to a modem, which in turn provides wireless internet to the home. The modem acts as a bridge between the fibre optic cable and the wireless router, allowing multiple devices in the home to connect to the internet wirelessly. This setup provides a convenient and fast way for customers to access the internet at home.

The speeds you can get depend on where you live, but Peace Power’s internet service generally is fast and reliable. Our plans range from 150 Mbps to 1GB; we have a plan for anyone from singles to families and even gamers. For a complete list of internet plans, please visit https://peacepower.ca/high-speed-internet-services/

Emails travel on the internet through a series of servers and protocols. When you send an email, it first goes to an outgoing mail server (SMTP server). From there, it is transmitted to the recipient’s incoming mail server (IMAP or POP3 server) via the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP). The recipient then accesses their email through an email client or webmail interface to view the message. This process involves multiple servers and routing points across the internet to ensure the email reaches its destination.

An ISP, or Internet Service Provider, is a company that provides Internet access to individuals and businesses. ISPs offer various types of internet connections, such as broadband, DSL, cable, and more. They serve as the bridge between users and the broader internet infrastructure, allowing users to connect to websites, send emails, and access online services.

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