
Is it cheaper to buy gas and electricity together?

Frequently Asked Questions

Is it cheaper to buy gas and electricity together?

It is often cheaper to buy natural gas and electricity from the same supplier. At Peace Power, we offer a discount for bundling services. This is because it costs us less to provide both services to our customers. Make sure that your compare the bundled price with the cost of purchasing each service separately. View our rates for more information.

When you sign up for a Peace Power bundle, you’ll get our lowest prices on both natural gas and electricity. Plus, you’ll enjoy the convenience of only having to pay one bill each month. And if you ever have any questions or need help, our customer service team is always here to assist you.

Bundle your services with Peace Power

Related FAQ

Electricity reaches your home through a complex distribution system starting at power plants generating electricity. From there, electricity travels over high-voltage transmission lines that carry it across long distances to substations where the voltage is reduced. These substations then distribute electricity through lower-voltage distribution lines that extend into neighbourhoods and communities. Transformers lower the voltage to a level that can be used in your home, typically stepping it down to the standard household voltage. Finally, the electricity travels through the service line to your home’s electrical panel, from where it is distributed to outlets and appliances. This network ensures that electricity generated miles away lights up your home and powers your devices.

Electricity can go off when it rains due to the increased risks of faults and disruptions in the electrical system. Rainwater can cause short circuits in power lines or electrical equipment, mainly if vulnerabilities exist, such as exposed wires or damaged infrastructure. Lightning strikes during storms are a common cause of power outages, as they can damage power lines, transformers, and other components of the electricity distribution network. Heavy rain and strong winds can bring down trees and branches onto power lines, causing outages. The grounding of electrical systems can also be compromised in wet conditions, leading to safety mechanisms tripping to prevent further damage or danger. Utilities, including Peace Power, often prepare for such events with rapid response teams to restore power as quickly as possible.

If you experience a blackout, the first step is to check whether the power outage is limited to your home or a broader issue affecting your neighbourhood. If it’s just your home, check your circuit breakers or fuse box to rule out a tripped circuit or blown fuse. If the blackout is widespread, report the outage to your utility provider. Disconnect or turn off appliances and electronic devices to prevent damage from potential power surges when electricity is restored. Use flashlights for illumination rather than candles to reduce the risk of fire. Keep your refrigerator and freezer doors closed to maintain the temperature and preserve food for as long as possible. If you have a generator, ensure it’s operated outside and away from windows to prevent carbon monoxide poisoning. Stay informed through a battery-powered radio or your mobile device for updates on the blackout and safety instructions from local authorities. Lastly, check on neighbours, especially those elderly, have young children, or may have medical needs, to ensure they’re safe and have the necessary resources.

Signing up for electricity with Peace Power is easy! Go to our website Peacepower.ca and click on the “sign up ” button. Follow the prompts and you will be all set up in no time.

Electricity, in its essence, is the flow of electrons and is known for its ability to travel through various conductors. Conductors are materials that allow the easy flow of electricity like metals. Wood, on the other hand, is generally considered an insulator. Insulators are materials that resist the flow of electrical current. However, the ability of electricity to travel through wood is not absolute and can vary. Wood offers high resistance to electrical current in its dry state, making it an effective insulator. This property is why wood is often used to construct electrical poles and handles for tools. However, when wood is wet, it can become a conductor of electricity. The moisture in wood lowers its resistance and allows electricity to pass through more easily. This property can pose a risk when wooden structures or tools become wet, as they can potentially conduct electricity and lead to hazardous situations. Understanding the conductive properties of materials like wood is crucial in both electrical safety and the design of electrical systems. For companies like Peace Power, focusing on safety and efficient energy solutions, acknowledging the conductive properties of different materials is a part of ensuring the safe distribution and use of electricity.

A smart metre is an advanced metre that records your energy usage in real-time and sends the information to your utility company automatically. It allows you to monitor your energy usage and costs more accurately, and eliminates the need for manual metre readings. Smart metres also enable utilities to offer more innovative pricing plans, such as time-of-use tariffs, which charge different rates depending on the time of day or season.

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