
What are Internet cookies?

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What are Internet cookies?

Internet cookies are small pieces of data stored on a user’s device by a web browser. These files contain information about the user’s online activities, preferences, and interactions with websites. Cookies serve various purposes, such as enhancing user experience, remembering login credentials, and personalizing content. While many cookies are harmless, some raise privacy concerns, as they can be used to track and profile user behavior across different websites.

What are Internet cookies?

Related FAQ

An IP address, or Internet Protocol address, is a numerical label assigned to each device connected to a computer network using the Internet Protocol for communication. IP addresses serve two primary functions: host or network interface identification and location addressing. They allow devices to send and receive data on the internet by providing a unique identifier for each device. IP addresses come in two main formats: IPv4, which consists of four sets of numbers, and IPv6, a more recent version designed to accommodate the growing number of devices connected to the internet.

Peace Power is a provider of high-speed home internet services that uses fibre optic cables to connect to a modem, which in turn provides wireless internet to the home. The modem acts as a bridge between the fibre optic cable and the wireless router, allowing multiple devices in the home to connect to the internet wirelessly. This setup provides a convenient and fast way for customers to access the internet at home.

To block neighbors from your Wi-Fi:

  1. Access your router’s admin interface.
  2. Navigate to the MAC filtering section.
  3. Enable MAC address filtering and add only the MAC addresses of your authorized devices.
  4. Disable guest network access if not needed.
  5. Regularly review and update the list of allowed MAC addresses. By implementing MAC filtering and other security measures, you can effectively block unauthorized devices, including those of your neighbors, from accessing your Wi-Fi.

The speeds you can get depend on where you live, but Peace Power’s internet service generally is fast and reliable. Our plans range from 150 Mbps to 1GB; we have a plan for anyone from singles to families and even gamers. For a complete list of internet plans, please visit https://peacepower.ca/high-speed-internet-services/

Ping refers to the delay in milliseconds (ms) that data takes to travel between your device and a server, influencing the responsiveness of online activities like gaming and video calls. A low ping (under 50 ms) indicates quick data transmission, leading to smoother experiences, while high ping values result in delays and lag. Factors affecting ping include distance, network congestion, server location, and routing. It’s distinct from internet speed and can vary even with high-speed connections. Ping is crucial for real-time interactions, and some internet plans highlight low ping for activities like gaming, but other factors like server location also impact it significantly.

There are several types of internet connections available, each with its own set of characteristics and uses. Broadband, one of the most common types, includes various high-speed transmission technologies such as Digital Subscriber Line (DSL), cable modem, Fiber-Optic, and satellite. DSL uses existing phone lines to provide internet access, whereas cable modems use the same infrastructure as cable television. Fibre-optic connections, offering the highest speeds, use strands of glass fibres to transmit data at extremely fast rates. Satellite internet, beneficial in rural areas without wired infrastructure, provides internet access via communications satellites. Additionally, wireless internet connections like Wi-Fi and mobile networks (3G, 4G, 5G) are widely used for mobile and flexible access, utilizing radio waves for connectivity. Each of these types of internet connections caters to different user needs, depending on factors like location, speed requirements, and accessibility.

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