
Where is Peace Power located?

Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Peace Power located?

Peace Power is located in Alberta, Canada. We serve both rural and urban areas in the province.

Does Peace Power service utility in Alberta? - Peace Power

Related FAQ

Not at this time… However, we are looking to bundle internet TV and internet phone in the future. At Peace Power, we are always striving to improve our quality of service for internet plans and bundles.


A public utility is one that is regulated by a government entity and typically operates as a monopoly within a certain area. They provide essential services to the public like electricity, gas, water, and sewer services. A private utility, on the other hand, is owned by private investors or shareholders and operates in a competitive market where consumers can choose their provider. Private utilities might still be subject to some regulation to protect consumers, but they typically have more flexibility in their pricing and service offerings.

Infrastructure is a critical component of utility provision. This includes the physical infrastructure, like power plants, transmission lines, pipes, and meters, as well as the digital infrastructure for smart grid and billing systems. The quality and capacity of this infrastructure can affect the reliability, efficiency, and cost of utility services. Aging or inadequate infrastructure can lead to service interruptions, inefficiencies, and higher costs. Meanwhile, investment in new and upgraded infrastructure can improve service provision, accommodate new technologies, and create jobs.

Peace Power is different from other energy companies because we are dedicated to providing the best possible service to our customers. We offer cheaper rates than the “big guys”, and are able to bundle your electricity with Natural Gas to save you money. Plus, we have no hidden fees, no service interruptions while switching, an easy sign-up process and we help you save!

Try Peace Power today and see the difference!

Here are a few reasons to switch to Peace Power:

– We help you save money

– Alberta is our home and we are proud to support local jobs and the local economy

– We are dedicated to providing the best possible service to customers with uninterrupted services and customer service reps based in Alberta

– Our team is always available for questions or problems you may have

Other advantages include no hidden fees and no contracts. Save today by making the switch to Peace Power!

A security deposit is a refundable amount that some energy providers may require to ensure payment of future bills, while a connection fee is a one-time charge to set up a new energy account or transfer an existing one.

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