
Can existing Shaw internet users come over to Peace Power penalty-free?

Frequently Asked Questions

Can existing Shaw internet users come over to Peace Power penalty-free?

Yes! Subject to any existing contract terms you have with Shaw, there is no penalty for you as the customer to transfer your services from Shaw to Peace Power. Make the switch to Peace Power and get the same great high-speed internet at a better rate.

Can Shaw internet users switch to Peace Power penalty-free - Peace Power

Related FAQ

You will need your account number to pay your bill or to contact support about your bill. You can find your account number on the first page of your bill. Your Site ID number is also listed on your bill. If you need to look up your Site ID number, you can find it here, through the Utility Network, using your service address.

  • Site ID Number
  • Meter Number
  • Account Number

To learn more visit our blog on what fees are included in my power bill?

In case of a utility emergency, Peace Power plays a crucial role in restoring essential services. For instance, during a power outage, Peace Power is responsible for identifying the problem and fixing it to restore power. If there’s a gas leak, the gas company should be called to identify the leak and make the necessary repairs. Similarly, in the event of a water main break, the water company would repair the break and restore water service. Many utility providers have dedicated emergency response teams and hotlines for such situations.

A utility easement is a section of private land where a utility company is granted access rights to install and maintain utility lines. This can include electric, gas, water, and sewer lines, as well as communication lines like phone or cable. The utility company doesn’t own the land but has the right to use this part of the property for the specific purpose outlined in the easement agreement. The property owner cannot build structures or plant trees within the easement area that would interfere with the utility’s access.

Yes, Peace Power offers Internet in areas in Alberta where the shaw line is available. Please call us to inquire about specific availability in your area or visit our service areas page on our site to learn more. Our team would be happy to help you!

The simple answer is ‘Yes’ but you must check the terms of your agreement as they may have a penalty or early exit fee if you cancel before your agreement expiry date. If you are not in a contract though, or if your contract has expired, then you can feel free to switch at any time. If you have a long-term fixed agreement, we encourage you to honor the agreement commitments. When your agreement expires, however, we hope you will consider switching. Some of our customers have found it economically profitable to pay the penalty though, as they saved more in a short period of time based on our lower rates.

Infrastructure is a critical component of utility provision. This includes the physical infrastructure, like power plants, transmission lines, pipes, and meters, as well as the digital infrastructure for smart grid and billing systems. The quality and capacity of this infrastructure can affect the reliability, efficiency, and cost of utility services. Aging or inadequate infrastructure can lead to service interruptions, inefficiencies, and higher costs. Meanwhile, investment in new and upgraded infrastructure can improve service provision, accommodate new technologies, and create jobs.

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